Friday 5 March 2010


Have you ever just wanted to escape from the general hustle and bustle of city life?

Run away from all the stress and worry?

Not to run away and hide though... to run away and see something amazing!

Something that you wouldn't be able to see by just sitting at your office desk Monday to Friday 9-5, something you wouldn't be able to experience sitting in your usual booth at your favourite club on a Saturday night. Not that you hate your life, but you feel that there is so much more in life to see, experience and take part in and your current day to day life is stopping you from doing these things.

Well I feel like that now.

As much as I love my friends, family, shoes, the city I live in, even my job! I feel like all these things are stopping me from packing up and escaping for 12 months to see the world! Family duties, job duties, the wrench of leaving people behind even though you are going to come back at some point. Not forgetting the major factor.


Our general day to day life stops us from seeing what else is out there. We get so involved in the life that we live, even though for many people it revolves around one country, or even just one city. We get so involved that we forget about what else is out there.

There is a whole world out there to see... a whole world that we haven't seen! We can see it in photos or on TV but none of that could ever experience seeing it in person.

We book holidays with our friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, family. We go away for a couple of weeks a year. We work hard to do this. We work hard just for those couple of weeks away. I don't think this is enough. I think the society we live in should encourage people to see the planet that we live in more. As we could be missing out on so much!

If you are a complete fashion obsessed girl like me, then imagine how many other countries you could wear those shoes in? Imagine how many new outfits you could find in all these different countries. Travel means new clothes! It means shopping trips to buy lovely things to take with you!

Escape is a must! We need to escape more often and see where we live! As we don't just live in this city... or in this town! We live on this planet. So why are we letting it go to waste?

Love Angel

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